Linh Nguyxn

PhD student at Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

Linh Nguyxn | PhD student at Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Journal Papers

  1. Linh T. Nguyen, Lam Duc Nguyen, Thong Hoang, Dilum Bandara, Qin Wang, Qinghua Lu, Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu, Petar Popovski, and Shiping Chen, ”Blockchain-Empowered Trustworthy Data Sharing: Fundamentals, Applications, and Challenges”. submitted to ACM Computing Surveys - Under review (in collaboration with CSIRO Data61).

  2. Et al, Linh T. Nguyen, et al., ”BlockFed: A Benchmarking Framework for Trusted Learning in Heterogeneous Environments”. submitted to ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems - Under review (in collaboration with CSIRO Data61).

  3. Linh T. Nguyen, Duc Long Vu, Minh Tuan Nguyen, and Hai-Chau Le, “Recognition of human faces and temperatures based on automatically intelligent algorithms”, Journal of Science and Technology on Information and Communications, ISSN 2525-2224, vol.01 (CS.01), pp. 4-9, 2022.

  4. Nguyen Thanh Linh, Vu Duc Long, Nguyen Duc Hieu, and Le Hai Chau, “Development of Face Recognition and Temperature Measurement IoT system using Machine Learning”, The 24th National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology (REV-ECIT 2021), 18-12-2021, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.426- 431. ISBN: 978- 604-80-5958-3. (In Vietnamese)

Conference Papers

  1. Linh T. Nguyen, Viet Pham, INFOCOM 2025 (Details Will be updated soon due to the policy of double-blind review process.)

  2. Thi-Mien Nguyen, Linh T. Nguyen, Khac-Tuan Nguyen, and Hai-Chau Le. 2022. Performance Analysis of Short-Packet Communications in Multi-RIS-based Uplink Systems. In The 11th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 180–185.

  3. Linh T. Nguyen, Thu-Hang T. Nguyen, Hai-Chau Le, Thanh Vinh Vu, Chien Trinh Nguyen, “Adaptive Collision Avoidance Scheduling based on Traffic and Priority for IoT Sensor Networks,” 2021 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), 2021, pp. 73-78.

  4. K. T. Nguyen, Linh T. Nguyen, H. -T. Vu and Hai-Chau Le, “Efficient Multipath Routing Scheme for MPTCP-enable Software-Defined Networks,” 2021 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), 2021, pp. 68-72.

  5. H. -C. Le and Thanh-Linh Nguyen, “Dynamic Control Algorithm for Intra-node Group Routing Restricted Elastic Optical Networks,” 2020 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), 2021, pp. 129-134.