Linh Nguyxn

PhD student at Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

Table of contents | Linh Nguyxn

Table of contents

  1. What is Maximum Likelihood Estimation?

    1.1. The Main Idea

    1.2. Diffusion Process

    1.3. Model Architecture

  2. What Is Diffusion Model?

    2.1. The Main Idea

    2.2. Diffusion Process

    2.3. Model Architecture

  3. Reference

DCGANs Notebook with document

Recall Convolution Neural Networks: Upsampling, Downsampling, and Deconvolution [1]

Tradition CNNs are used to compress and extract images’ features.

1. Upsampling, Downsampling and Dilation

- Both of them is to expand/compress the input. Some techniques are widely used including padding (upsampling), stride (downsampling), dilations (downsampling).

- In the dilation, the edge pieces of the kernel are pushed further away from the center piece.

2. Transposed Convolution

- is upsampling in nature. The layer will conduct operation on a modified input by calculating and adding 0’s. [2]

- Applications: are to reconstruct images (e.g., Generator in GANs, encoders,…)

- Difference between Transposed Convolution vs Deconvolution:

NOTE: The effects of Downsampling and Upsampling will be reversed if they are applied to Transposed Convolution.

Generative Adversarial Networks


- Step 1: Discriminator: tries to maximize $log(D(x)) + log(1-D(G(z)))$

- Step2: Generator: tries to minimize $log(1-D(G(z)))$ or maximize $log((G(z)))$

- The below notebook is an implementation of DCGAN, which uses convolution and transpose convolution layers in the Discriminator and Generator, respectively.

Notebook with detailed documents


1. Convolutions: Transposed and Deconvolution

2. What is Transposed Convolutional Layer?